Girlie Goods

Did you know that 1 in 4 teen girls missed school in the U.S. because of lack of access to feminine hygiene products?

We want to help create solutions for statistics like this that impact teen girls’ physical and mental health.

Everyone deserves access to basic hygiene products like feminine hygiene supplies & basic toiletries.

Our goal is to provide “Girlie Goods” supply bags with feminine hygiene supplies, basic toiletries, a journal & mental health worksheet to teen girls at our community center and beyond. We partner with local schools to provide these bags to social workers to give out to students in need.

How can you help? Join us below…

Shop our Amazon Wishlist

We have options for you to shop on Amazon and send to us!

Donate to our Campaign

Click over to our “Girlie Goods” campaign to sponsor a girl!

Collect Supplies

Host a drive at your business, church or friend group! Contact us below to set this up.